Dry Yeast (CellarScience, Lallemand, White Labs & Fermentis)

Want the perfect yeast for your latest home brew recipe. Kegland is the place to be. We have brewers yeast, CellarScience, Lallemand LalBrew, Safale, Saflager, Fermentis, Whitelabs, White Labs, Omega Yeast, home brewing yeast of every type. Billions of yeast cells to choose from all in one convenient place in Noble Park, Melbourne, Australia.


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95 products

Best selling White Labs Lager Strain WLP860 Munich - Dry SachetBest selling White Labs Lager Strain WLP860 Munich - Graphic
Sale price$9.95
Best selling White Labs Strain WLP001 Califonia - Dry SachetBest selling White Labs Strain WLP001 Califonia - Graphic
Sale price$9.95
Best selling White Labs Hazy Strain WLP066 London Fog - Dry SachetBest selling White Labs Hazy Strain WLP066 London Fog - Graphic
Sale price$9.95
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Originally developed and popularized by the Modelo Group, this Mexican yeast strain will produce clean, crisp lagers and finishes dry.
Sale price$4.55
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A rapid fermenting English ale strain that is loved for its clean flavor, neutral aroma and dry finish. This yeast settles quickly and forms a compact sediment.
Sale price$4.55
A popular yeast strain with a Berlin lineage that is famous for producing amazing lagers with soft malt character and balanced esters.
Sale price$4.55
The classic American ale strain that has a long history of producing amazing beers. Famous for its clean, neutral flavor and its ability to be used in nearly any style.
Sale price$4.55
This kveik yeast strain ferments quickly at higher temperatures with superb flocculation. Produces a clean flavor profile with hints of orange peel and citrus.
Sale price$4.55
The classic lager strain from Weihenstephan Germany that has been used for generations to produce clean, balanced lagers from pilsners to doppelbocks. 
Sale price$4.55
For hop-forward beer styles that you want bursting with tropical, fruity flavors and aromas, you can't go wrong fermenting with HAZY from CellarScience.
Sale price$4.55
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A classic Belgian ale strain renowned for producing clean, yet complex, beers. Perfect for Belgian-style Blondes and Pales or Abbey-style Dubbels, Trippels, and Quads.
Sale price$4.55
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A fun, unique yeast with a UK pedigree that emphasizes fresh malt flavor while producing fruity, citrus and floral flavors. Perfect for Pale Ales and IPA's
Sale price$4.55
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Hints of fruit and citrus plus all the classic spicy phenolic flavors. SAISON ferments very dry but leaves behind a beer with a soft malt body and rich mouthfeel.
Sale price$4.55
Omega Yeast Dried Lutra Kveik x 11g Sachet - For clean, fast fermentation of psuedo-lagers, ales, hard seltzer, mead or ciders.
Sale price$10.95
Now available in convenient dry yeast format! LalBrew Pomona™ is a hybrid yeast developed by Escarpment Laboratories, selected for flavour and fermentation performance in hoppy beers.
Sale price$6.55
LalBrew Premium Series - Verdant IPA Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Verdant IPA Yeast x 11g - KegLand
Sale price$5.70
LalBrew Premium Series - Voss Kveik Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Voss Kveik Yeast - Flavour Chart
Sale price$5.70
LalBrew Premium Series - Nottingham Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Nottingham Yeast - Flavour Chart
Sale price$5.70
LalBrew Premium Series - New England Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - New England Yeast x 11g - KegLand
Sale price$5.70
LalBrew Premium Series - Abbaye Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Abbaye Yeast x 11g - KegLand
Sale price$5.70
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Discounted - LalBrew - Wit Belgian - Wit Style Ale Yeast x 11g LallemandDiscounted - LalBrew - Wit Belgian - Wit Style Ale Yeast x 11g Lallemand
Sale price$2.85
LalBrew Premium Series - BRY-97 Yeast x 11g (American West Coast Ale) - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - BRY-97 Yeast x 11g (American West Coast Ale) - KegLand
Sale price$5.70
LalBrew Premium Series - Diamond Lager Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Diamond Yeast - Flavour Chart
Sale price$5.70
Wild Brew - Philly Sour 11g (Lallemand) - KegLandWild Brew Series - Philly Sour Yeast - Flavour Chart
Sale price$5.95
LalBrew Premium Series - Novalager Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Novalager Yeast - Flavour Chart
Sale price$6.55
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LalBrew Premium Series - Koln Style Ale Yeast x 11g (Kolsch) - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Koln Style Ale Yeast x 11g (Kolsch) - KegLand
Sale price$6.85
LalBrew Premium Series - Windsor Ale Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Windsor Ale Yeast x 11g - KegLand
Sale price$5.70
LalBrew Premium Series - Munich Classic Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Munich Classic Yeast x 11g - KegLand
Sale price$5.70
LalBrew Premium Series - Wit Belgian x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Wit Belgian x 11g - KegLand
Sale price$5.70
LalBrew Premium Series - Farmhouse Hybrid Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Farmhouse Yeast - Flavour Chart
Sale price$6.25
Fermentis SafAle US-05 Yeast x 11.5g - KegLand
Sale price$4.95
Fermentis SafLager W-34/70 Yeast x 11.5g - KegLand
Sale price$7.95
Fermentis SafAle S-04 Yeast x 11.5g - KegLand
Sale price$4.75
Lalvin - EC-1118 Yeast x 5g - KegLandLalvin - EC-1118 Yeast x 5g - KegLand
Sale price$2.40
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LalBrew Premium Series - London ESB Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - London ESB Yeast x 11g - KegLand
Sale price$5.70
Fermentis SafLager S-23 Yeast x 11.5g - KegLand
Sale price$6.35
Fermentis SafLager S-189 Yeast x 11.5g - KegLand
Sale price$7.85
Sold out
LalBrew Premium Series - Belle Saison Yeast x 11g - KegLandLalBrew Premium Series - Belle Saison Yeast x 11g - KegLand
Sale price$5.70
Fermentis SafAle K-97 Yeast x 11.5g - KegLand
Sale price$5.45
Fermentis SafAle WB-06 x 11.5g Yeast - KegLand
Sale price$5.85
Fermentis SafAle BE-134 Yeast x 11.5g - KegLand
Sale price$5.55
Fermentis SafAle S-33 x 11.5g Yeast - KegLand
Sale price$3.85
Fermentis SafAle T-58 x 11.5g Yeast x 11.5g - KegLand
Sale price$4.50
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LalBrew - Wild Brew - Sour Pitch Bacteria 10g - KegLandLalBrew - Wild Brew - Sour Pitch Bacteria 10g - KegLand
Sale price$15.95
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Fermentis SafAle BE-256 Yeast x 11.5g - KegLand
Sale price$6.80
Fermentis SafCider - TF-6 x 5g Yeast - KegLandFermentis SafCider - TF-6 x 5g Yeast - KegLand
Sale price$4.50
Fermentis SafCider - AC-4 x 5g Yeast - KegLandFermentis SafCider - AC-4 x 5g Yeast - KegLand
Sale price$4.50
Lalvin - 71B-1122 Yeast x 5g - KegLandLalvin - 71B-1122 Yeast x 5g - KegLand
Sale price$2.40
Sold out
Originally developed and popularized by the Modelo Group, this Mexican yeast strain will produce clean, crisp lagers and finishes dry.
Sale price$94.95
A popular yeast strain with a Berlin lineage that is famous for producing amazing lagers with soft malt character and balanced esters.
Sale price$94.95