Crushers & Hydropress


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7 products

Electric Fruit Crusher - Stainless Steel - KegLandElectric Fruit Crusher - Stainless Steel - KegLand
Sale price$799.95
Water Regulated 40L Hydropress Kit - KegLandWater Regulated 40L Hydropress Kit - KegLand
Sale price$687.54
Inline Water Regulator for 1/2' Hydropress Inlet
Sale price$34.29
40L Hydropress Kit - KegLand40L Hydropress Kit - KegLand
Sale price$653.25
KL23856-ReplacementMeshBagfor40LHydropress-2 in bag on white backgroundKL23856-ReplacementMeshBagfor40LHydropress in a hydropress
Sale price$19.95
KL35088-ReplacementHydropressBladder-40L-2 on white backgroundKL35088-HydropressBladder-40L-3 on hydropress
Sale price$149.00
Sold out
A must have for small to medium fruit growers who want to turn their product into wine. We would strongly recommend using a hydropress or manual press to extract the juices for fermentation.A must have for small to medium fruit growers who want to turn their product into wine. We would strongly recommend using a hydropress or manual press to extract the juices for fermentation.
Sale price$85.95