pH Measuring & Parts


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10 products

Pen Style PH Meter - KegLandPen Style PH Meter - KegLand
Sale price$36.00
KCl 3mol/Litre Storage Solution (25ml) - KegLand
Sale price$4.00
Buffer Powders(4.00/6.86/9.18) 3kinds per bag - KegLandBuffer Powders(4.00/6.86/9.18) 3kinds per bag - KegLand
Sale price$3.50
100 Strip PH Test Kits PH 0 to PH 14 - KegLand
Sale price$1.00
Replacement Electrode/Probe for pH Meter. - KegLandReplacement Electrode/Probe for pH Meter. - KegLand
Sale price$12.00
100 Strip PH Test Kits PH 3.8 to PH 5.4 - KegLand
Sale price$0.95
Sold out
Wine Thief / Valenche / Wine Sampler - KegLandWine Thief / Valenche / Wine Sampler - KegLand
Sale price$14.95
Wine Thief Plastic Valenche SamplerWine Thief Plastic Valenche Sampler
Sale price$9.95
Compact and robust handheld pH and temperature meter. Built for the homebrewer in mind.
Sale price$149.95
pH 4.00 and pH 7.00 buffer powders for calibrating Bluelab pH pensInstructions on rear of pH 4.00 and pH 7.00 buffer powders for BlueLab pH Pens
Sale price$3.00